Email Marketing

Keep your subscribers updated with interesting Emails and develop your brand

Email marketing services

Email Marketing is a Critical Part of your Digital Marketing Strategy.

If you don’t use email market to engage with your existing clients, you are missing out on a huge opportunity. Email marketing is one of the best ways to share your expertise and grow your business with very little effort and minimal costs compared to other marketing efforts.

To really drive results from email marketing it is essential to have an email marketing software that is affordable and easy to use. We use the best services for our clients, small and large. The email management software we use is affordable and can be tailored to fit your needs perfectly.

    Tips and tricks for creating a successful email marketing campaign.

    Write emails that include good content, not only advertisements

    Your primary goal is to help your readers and give them information they need or want to read about. If you focus on this one thing alone, everything else will take care of itself.

    Use a newsletter service like Mailchimp or Constant Contact

    These services make it easy to create, send and track your email campaigns. They offer templates for newsletters and also have plugins that you can add to your website so subscribers can easily sign up for the newsletter on their site!

    Include a free offer

    You can offer your readers with something for nothing, this will encourage them to sign up.

    Make sure you have a good subject line

    The subject line is the first thing your readers will see, if it doesn’t interest them, they won’t open the email.

    Track and measure your results

    Use Google Analytics to track where your newsletter subscribers are coming from and what they do once they arrive on your site.

    Include an image

    Adding images to your newsletters make them more visually appealing.

    Encourage social media shares

    Try to include a call-to-action that encourages your subscribers to share the newsletter via social media.

    Invite readers to opt-in for emails

    You can do this by placing an opt-in form on your website, or creating content around your email marketing efforts to capture email addresses.

    Let the readers know what they can expect

    If you are planning an event make sure your newsletter announces it, if you just posted a new blog article link to it in the newsletter.

    Reinvest in your email efforts

    It takes time and effort to create a successful strategy, once you have a good system in place for getting subscribers it is important to see that the strategy is working well and reinvesting into the campaign.

    Let’s work together

    Talk to our experts to know how Kudu can help you grow your brand and reach your goals


    Compare Our Marketing Plans

    Email Marketing Pricing

    At Kudu Consulting Group we help you make quick headway with your marketing campaign. Our email services can move e-mail leads through their buying cycle more efficiently, which will increase engagement rates and conversions for your business.

    Monthly Newsletters
    1 Monthly Newsletter
    Custom Email Designs
    Original Email Copy
    List Maintenance & Clean Up
    Analyze Performance/Reports
    Ongoing Optimization
    Initial Campaign Strategy
    Email Drip Campaign
    Conversion Tracking Installation
    Video Emails (Videos Provided by Client)
    Dedicated Account Rep
    Monthly Cost
    Account Setup Fee
    Monthly Newsletters
    1 Monthly Newsletter/2 Email Blasts
    Custom Email Designs
    Original Email Copy
    List Maintenance & Clean Up
    Analyze Performance/Reports
    Ongoing Optimization
    Initial Campaign Strategy
    Email Drip Campaign
    Conversion Tracking Installation
    Video Emails (Videos Provided by Client)
    Dedicated Account Rep
    Monthly Cost
    Account Setup Fee
    Monthly Newsletters
    1 Monthly Newsletter/6 Email Blasts
    Custom Email Designs
    Original Email Copy
    List Maintenance & Clean Up
    Analyze Performance/Reports
    Ongoing Optimization
    Initial Campaign Strategy
    Email Drip Campaign
    Conversion Tracking Installation
    Video Emails (Videos Provided by Client)
    Dedicated Account Rep
    Monthly Cost
    Account Setup Fee

    You might need a little more custom work? No problem! Fill out the contact form or give us a call to schedule a meeting today. Also, check out some of our popular add-ons below:

    Landing Pages or Funnel
    $500 per page
    Email Drip (1 sequence, 4 emails)
    Video Production
    Photography or Graphic Design

    Need Consulting? Contact Us Now!

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